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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Voice Phonation Dysphonia Vocal Cords

Corrigendum to 'A unified framework and models for integrating translation memory into phrase-based statistical machine translation' [Volume 54, March 2019, Pages 176-206]
Publication date: May 2019Source: Computer Speech & Language, Volume 55Author(s): Yang Liu, Kun Wang, Chengqing Zong, Keh-Yih Su
Computer Speech & Language
Editorial Board
Publication date: May 2019Source: Computer Speech & Language, Volume 55Author(s):
Computer Speech & Language
Learning English-Chinese Bilingual Word Representations from Sentence-Aligned Parallel Corpus
Publication date: Available online 24 January 2019Source: Computer Speech & LanguageAuthor(s): An-Zi Yen, Hen-Hsen Huang, Hsin-Hsi ChenAbstractRepresentation of words in different languages is fundamental for various cross-lingual applications. In the past researches, there was an argument in using or not using word alignment in learning bilingual word representations. This paper presents a comprehensive empirical study on the uses of parallel corpus to learn the word representations in the embedding...
Computer Speech & Language
Deterioro de la memoria visuoespacial en estadios 2 y 3 de la enfermedad de Parkinson
Publication date: Available online 23 January 2019Source: Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y AudiologíaAuthor(s): María Soledad Sandoval, Nicole Clause, Magdalena Cancino, Patricia Mora, Pamela Mundaca, Constanza Pantoja, Romina Rojas, Victoria ValdésResumenObjetivoLa enfermedad de Parkinson no solo suele relacionarse con dificultades motoras sino también con deterioro cognitivo. En este sentido, cabe preguntarse si las funciones cognitivas relacionadas con información visuoespacial se ven afectadas...
Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología
Data-Driven Item Selection for the Shirts and Shoes Test
Publication date: Available online 23 January 2019Source: Journal of Communication DisordersAuthor(s): Alexander Tucci, Elena Plante, Rebecca Vance, Trianna OglivieAbstractPurposeThe first stage of test development is the generation of a pool of potential items to be used in the assessment. Ideally, these items are then tested in the field on members of the population for which the assessment is intended. This initial analysis assures that tests build in validity at the level of the individual items.MethodSeventy-four...
Journal of Communication Disorders (open access)
Influence of L2 English phonotactics in L1 Brazilian Portuguese illusory vowel perception
Publication date: March 2019Source: Journal of Phonetics, Volume 73Author(s): Jennifer Cabrelli, Alicia Luque, Irene Finestrat-MartínezAbstractThis study examines potential changes to L1 (Brazilian Portuguese, BP) perception of phonotactic structure as a function of L2 (English) experience. Syllables with a coda stop violate syllable structure constraints in BP, but are licit in English. As a result, BP monolinguals perceive an illusory /i/ after an illicit coda (e.g., ob/i/ter 'to obtain'). To understand...
Development of tonal discrimination in young heritage speakers of Cantonese
Publication date: March 2019Source: Journal of Phonetics, Volume 73Author(s): Rachel T.Y. Kan, Monika S. SchmidAbstractThis study uses the Perceptual Assimilation Model for Suprasegmentals (PAM-S) (So & Best, 2008, 2010), supported by the assumptions of the L2 Intonation Learning theory (LILt, Mennen, 2015), to investigate how young heritage speakers of Cantonese living in the United States acquired Cantonese tones. Sixty-seven heritage speakers, aged 5–11, were tested on their perception of...
Acoustic correlates of breathy sonorants in Marathi
Publication date: March 2019Source: Journal of Phonetics, Volume 73Author(s): Kelly Harper BerksonAbstractBreathy voiced sonorant consonants are typologically rare, more so than other non-modal sonorants (e.g. voiceless sonorants, which are widely attested in language families like Tibeto-Burman and Otomanguean). Similarly, they are more vulnerable to diachronic loss than voiceless sonorants (e.g. in Tibeto-Burman). The acoustic correlates of breathiness in sonorants have not been thoroughly investigated,...
Editorial Board
Publication date: January–February 2019Source: Journal of Communication Disorders, Volume 77Author(s):
Journal of Communication Disorders (open access)
What Makes the Cepstral Peak Prominence Different to Other Acoustic Correlates of Vocal Quality?
Publication date: Available online 22 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Carlos A. Ferrer Riesgo, Elmar Nöth
What Makes the Cepstral Peak Prominence Different to Other Acoustic Correlates of Vocal Quality?
Cepstral peak prominence (CPP) has become the most successful individual acoustic measure for the objective measurement of vocal quality. It is also the strongest contributor to multidimensional available measures like Acoustic Voice Quality Index1 and Cepstral and Spectral Index of Dysphonia.2 However, a clear understanding of what CPP actually measures and where it can (and where it cannot) be expected to outperform other measures are issues which are still not clearly understood. Given the popularity...
Journal of Voice
Immediate Effect of a Resonance Tube on the Vocal Range Profile of Choristers
The aim of this study was to determine the immediate effect of the resonance tube technique associated with ascending and descending glissando on the vocal range profile (VRP) of amateur choristers.
Journal of Voice
Gesture height reflects common ground status even in patients with amnesia
Publication date: March 2019Source: Brain and Language, Volume 190Author(s): Caitlin Hilverman, Sarah Brown-Schmidt, Melissa C. DuffAbstractWhen we communicate, we alter our language and gesture based on the mutually shared knowledge – common ground – that we have with our listener. How memory supports these alterations remain unclear. We asked healthy adults and patients with hippocampal amnesia to engage in a referential communication task. Previous work suggests that common ground can be encoded...
Brain and Language
Application of a Landmark-Based Method for Acoustic Analysis of Dysphonic Speech
Speakers with dysphonia often report difficulty with maintaining intelligibility in noisy environments; however, there is no objective method for characterizing this difficulty. Landmark-based analysis is a linguistically-motived, knowledge-based speech analysis technique, which may serve as the basis of acoustic tool for describing the intelligibility deficit. As the first step toward development of such a tool, this study examined whether Landmark-based analysis could describe acoustic differences...
Journal of Voice
Immediate Effect of a Resonance Tube on the Vocal Range Profile of Choristers
Publication date: Available online 22 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Nathália Suellen Valeriano Cardoso, Jonia Alves Lucena, Adriana de Oliveira Camargo GomesSummaryObjectiveThe aim of this study was to determine the immediate effect of the resonance tube technique associated with ascending and descending glissando on the vocal range profile (VRP) of amateur choristers.MethodThe sample consisted of 40 choristers aged between 18 and 57 years (average of 26.28 ± 7.51 years) with the...
Obituary: Arthur S. Abramson
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Phonetics, Volume 72Author(s): D.H. Whalen
Editorial Board
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Phonetics, Volume 72Author(s):
Repetitive verbal behaviors are not always harmful signs: Compensatory plasticity within the language network in aphasia
Publication date: March 2019Source: Brain and Language, Volume 190Author(s): María José Torres-Prioris, Diana López-Barroso, Núria Roé-Vellvé, José Paredes-Pacheco, Guadalupe Dávila, Marcelo L. BerthierAbstractRepetitive verbal behaviors such as conduite d'approche (CdA) and mitigated echolalia (ME) are well-known phenomena since early descriptions of aphasia. Nevertheless, there is no substantial fresh knowledge on their clinical features, neural correlates and treatment interventions. In the present...
Brain and Language
From Voice Clinic to Operating Room: Are We Out of Tune?
Publication date: Available online 17 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Rehab Awad, Eamon Shamil, Nicholas Gibbins, Anthony Aymat, Sara HarrisAbstractIntroduction: To determine the consistency and accuracy of preoperative diagnosis in the voice clinic with intraoperative diagnosis and to suggest a standardized laryngeal examination protocol in the UK that is supported by evidence-based findings.Method: From January 2011-September 2014, 164 patients were referred to the Multidisciplinary...
Factors Affecting Initiation of Voice Therapy for Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion Disorder
Publication date: Available online 17 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Kevin Pasternak, Susan L. ThibeaultSummaryObjectiveTo investigate patient-level predictors of initiation of voice therapy for paradoxical vocal fold motion disorder (PVFM).Study DesignProspective outcomes database study.MethodsPatients consented to the University of Wisconsin Voice and Swallow Clinics Outcomes Database between March 2010 and November 2016 who were diagnosed with PVFM and recommended for voice therapy...
Factors Affecting Initiation of Voice Therapy for Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion Disorder
To investigate patient-level predictors of initiation of voice therapy for paradoxical vocal fold motion disorder (PVFM).
Journal of Voice
Accuracy of Thyroid Cartilage Fenestration During Montgomery Medialization Thyroplasty
Accuracy of thyroid cartilage fenestration during Montgomery thyroplasty (MTIS) is considered a key success factor.The primary aim of the study was to retrospectively evaluate the accuracy of fenestration.Furthermore, recent publications indicate a possible discrepancy in MTIS voice outcomes related to gender.The secondary aim of the study was to investigate whether the fenestration accuracy could explain this discrepancy.
Journal of Voice
In Vivo Quantification of the Intraglottal Pressure: Modal Phonation and Voice Onset
Intraglottal pressure is the driving force of vocal fold vibration. Its time course during the open phase of the vibratory cycle is essential in the mechanics of phonation, but measuring it directly is difficult and may hinder spontaneous voicing. However, it can be computed from the in vivo measured transglottal flow and glottal area (hence the air particle velocity) on the basis of the Bernoulli energy law and the interaction with the inertance of the vocal tract. As to sustained modal phonation,...
Journal of Voice
From Voice Clinic to Operating Room: Are We Out of Tune?
Introduction: To determine the consistency and accuracy of preoperative diagnosis in the voice clinic with intraoperative diagnosis and to suggest a standardized laryngeal examination protocol in the UK that is supported by evidence-based findings.Method: From January 2011-September 2014, 164 patients were referred to the Multidisciplinary Team voice clinic and diagnosed with laryngeal pathology that required phonosurgery. The visualization (videostrobolaryngoscopy) in clinic was performed using...
Journal of Voice
Accuracy of Thyroid Cartilage Fenestration During Montgomery Medialization Thyroplasty
Publication date: Available online 16 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Gauthier Desuter, Olivier Cartiaux, Jonathan Pierard, Séverine Henrard, Julie van Lith-Bijl, Peter Paul van Benthem, Elisabeth SjögrenABSTRACTIntroductionAccuracy of thyroid cartilage fenestration during Montgomery thyroplasty (MTIS) is considered a key success factor.The primary aim of the study was to retrospectively evaluate the accuracy of fenestration.Furthermore, recent publications indicate a possible discrepancy...
<em>In Vivo</em> Quantification of the Intraglottal Pressure: Modal Phonation and Voice Onset
Publication date: Available online 16 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Philippe H. DeJonckere, Jean LebacqAbstractIntraglottal pressure is the driving force of vocal fold vibration. Its time course during the open phase of the vibratory cycle is essential in the mechanics of phonation, but measuring it directly is difficult and may hinder spontaneous voicing. However, it can be computed from the in vivo measured transglottal flow and glottal area (hence the air particle velocity) on...
The Current State and Future Possibilities of Mobile Phone "Voice Analyser" Applications, in Relation to Otorhinolaryngology
Publication date: Available online 14 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Amberley Jade MunningsSUMMARYBackgroundA large proportion of the population suffers from voice disorders. The use of mobile phone technology in healthcare is increasing, and this includes applications that can analyze voice.ObjectiveThis study aimed to review the potential for voice analyzer applications to aid the management of voice disorders.MethodsA literature search was conducted yielding eight studies which...
The Current State and Future Possibilities of Mobile Phone "Voice Analyser" Applications, in Relation to Otorhinolaryngology
A large proportion of the population suffers from voice disorders. The use of mobile phone technology in healthcare is increasing, and this includes applications that can analyze voice.
Journal of Voice
Editorial Board
Publication date: February 2019Source: Brain and Language, Volume 189Author(s):
Brain and Language
Application of a Landmark-Based Method for Acoustic Analysis of Dysphonic Speech
Publication date: Available online 12 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Keiko Ishikawa, Marepalli B. Rao, Joel MacAuslan, Suzanne BoyceSummaryAimSpeakers with dysphonia often report difficulty with maintaining intelligibility in noisy environments; however, there is no objective method for characterizing this difficulty. Landmark-based analysis is a linguistically-motived, knowledge-based speech analysis technique, which may serve as the basis of acoustic tool for describing the intelligibility...
Speech Pathology Intervention for Chronic Refractory Cough: A Pilot Study Examining the Benefit of Using Prerecorded Videos as an Adjunct to Therapy
Publication date: Available online 11 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Sarah L. Kapela, Anne E. Vertigan, Peter G. GibsonAbstractSpeech pathology intervention is effective for chronic refractory cough (CRC). Speech pathology treatment for CRC includes therapy exercises to teach cough suppression and reduce laryngeal closure during respiration.AimThe aim of this study was to evaluate the benefit of providing patients with supplemental pre-recorded videos of speech pathology exercises...
The Low Mandible Maneuver: Preliminary Study of Its Effects on Aerodynamic and Acoustic Measures
Publication date: Available online 11 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Eve Mercer, Soren Y. LowellSummaryObjectivesThe purpose of this preliminary study was to determine the aerodynamic and acoustic effects of the low mandible maneuver (LMM) as compared to normal voice production.MethodsTen participants with normal voice characteristics who were nonsingers produced sustained vowel and repeated syllable utterances during two different speaking conditions: using the LMM and using normal...
Native speech plasticity in the German-English late bilingual Stefanie Graf: A longitudinal study over four decades
Publication date: March 2019Source: Journal of Phonetics, Volume 73Author(s): Esther de LeeuwAbstractThe purpose of this study was to expose the trajectory of native speech plasticity in the context of late bilingualism through analysis of spontaneous speech of Stefanie Graf (SG) over four decades.With regard to segmental variables, results showed a significant lowering of F2 in /l/, suggesting darkening of the German lateral under the influence of English as a second language (L2). F2 significantly...
The Low Mandible Maneuver: Preliminary Study of Its Effects on Aerodynamic and Acoustic Measures
The purpose of this preliminary study was to determine the aerodynamic and acoustic effects of the low mandible maneuver (LMM) as compared to normal voice production.
Journal of Voice
Speech Pathology Intervention for Chronic Refractory Cough: A Pilot Study Examining the Benefit of Using Prerecorded Videos as an Adjunct to Therapy
Speech pathology intervention is effective for chronic refractory cough (CRC). Speech pathology treatment for CRC includes therapy exercises to teach cough suppression and reduce laryngeal closure during respiration.
Journal of Voice
Musical meaning modulates word acquisition
Publication date: March 2019Source: Brain and Language, Volume 190Author(s): Thomas Hans Fritz, Friederike Schütte, Agnes Steixner, Oliver Contier, Hellmuth Obrig, Arno VillringerAbstractMusical excerpts have been shown to have the capacity to prime the processing of target words and vice versa, strongly suggesting that music can convey concepts. However, to date no study has investigated an influence of musical semantics on novel word acquisition, thus corroborating evidence for a similarity of...
Brain and Language
Perception of Vietnamese back vowels contrasting in rounding by English listeners
Publication date: March 2019Source: Journal of Phonetics, Volume 73Author(s): Irina A. ShportAbstractThe perception of back vowels contrasting in rounding has not previously been examined in major theoretical frameworks of cross-language speech perception. In two experiments, Southern U.S. English speakers naïve to the contrast categorized the Vietnamese vowels [u o ɯ ɤ] in terms of their native vowel categories and identified oddball vowels in triads representing the contrasts [u]-[o], [ɯ]-[u],...
Improving Sentiment Analysis Performance on Morphologically Rich Languages: Language and Domain Independent Approach
Publication date: Available online 8 January 2019Source: Computer Speech & LanguageAuthor(s): Tomáš Kincl, Michal Novák, Jiří PřibilAbstractSentiment analysis has become a phenomenon with the proliferation of social media and the popularity of opinion-rich resources such as online reviews and blogs. Even though significant advances have been achieved in this field, there are still some major challenges to be addressed – i.e. sentiment analysis in multiple languages or thematic domains. Only a...
Computer Speech & Language
Hearing loss and quality of life
Publication date: March–April 2019Source: Journal of Communication Disorders, Volume 78Author(s): Jerry L. Punch, Rose Hitt, Sandi W. SmithAbstractObjectiveWe sought to identify multidimensional factors associated with health-related quality of life (HRQoL) for use in developing an inventory in which HRQoL is a core concept in evaluating the impact of hearing loss and the efficacy of rehabilitative interventions.MethodA qualitative approach was used in which we posed two major questions to a focus...
Journal of Communication Disorders (open access)
Characteristics of the Voice Handicap Index for Patients With Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis Who Underwent Arytenoid Adduction
This study was performed to evaluate the characteristics of the Voice Handicap Index (VHI), a self-assessment measure, for patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP) who underwent arytenoid adduction (AA), in comparison with postoperative vocal function examinations.
Journal of Voice
Characteristics of the Voice Handicap Index for Patients With Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis Who Underwent Arytenoid Adduction
Publication date: Available online 5 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Kenichi Watanabe, Takeshi Sato, Yohei Honkura, Ai Kawamoto-Hirano, Kazutaka Kashima, Yukio KatoriSummaryPurposeThis study was performed to evaluate the characteristics of the Voice Handicap Index (VHI), a self-assessment measure, for patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP) who underwent arytenoid adduction (AA), in comparison with postoperative vocal function examinations.MethodsA retrospective chart...
Vocal Fatigue—Do Young Speech-Language Pathologists Practice What They Preach?
Publication date: Available online 5 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Bennet Elsa Joseph, Ashna Mariya Joseph, Theres Mariya JacobAbstractPurposeSpeech-Language Pathologists can be categorized as Level II professional voice users who play the roles of voice therapist or vocal coach to treat voice problems. SLPs may be at the risk of experiencing vocal fatigue due to vocal loading and other contributing factors. The present study was undertaken to find the percentage of SLPs reporting...
Effects of Vocal Function Exercises: A Systematic Review
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Vrushali Angadi, Daniel Croake, Joseph StempleSummaryObjectivesThe purpose of the present review was to systematically analyze the evidence for the effectiveness of vocal function exercises (VFEs) in improving voice production.MethodsA systematic literature search was performed by two independent reviewers using PubMed and EBSCOHost to access relevant databases and to locate outcome studies that used VFEs as an intervention....
Associations between Posture, Voice, and Dysphonia: A Systematic Review
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Ricardo Cardoso, José Lumini-Oliveira, Rute F. MenesesSummaryObjectiveThe study aimed to systematize the associations between posture, voice, and dysphonia in order to support future research directions and possible clinical interventions.Study DesignThe study is a systematic review.MethodsAccording to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses flowchart, a search on PubMed/Medline, SciELO,...
Cross-cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Italian Version of the Vocal Tract Discomfort Scale (I-VTD)
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Carlo Robotti, Francesco Mozzanica, Ilaria Pozzali, Laura D'Amore, Patrizia Maruzzi, Daniela Ginocchio, Stafania Barozzi, Rosaria Lorusso, Francesco Ottaviani, Antonio SchindlerSummaryObjectiveTo evaluate the reliability and validity of the Italian version of the VTD scale (I-VTD scale).Study DesignCross-sectional, nonrandomized, prospective study with controls.MethodsFor the item generation, a cross-cultural adaptation...
Restructuring the Vocal Fatigue Index Using Mokken Scaling: Insights Into the Complex Nature of Vocal Fatigue
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Chayadevie Nanjundeswaran, Miriam van Mersbergen, Kelli MorganSummaryVocal fatigue is a frequent symptom and a debilitating condition affecting individuals with voice disorders. In spite of the various attempts to define and quantify vocal fatigue, this complex trait has not been well understood. Mokken scaling was performed on the Vocal Fatigue Index (VFI) to develop a hierarchical understanding of the latent trait...
Mandarin (Simplified) Chinese Version of the Voice Activity and Participation Profile: Adaptation and Validation
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Dan Lu, Estella P.-M. Ma, Jia Ren, Dai Pu, Hui Yang, Edwin M.-L. YiuSummaryObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Mandarin (simplified) Chinese version of Voice Activity and Participation Profile (MC-VAPP) in mainland China.MethodsThis study enrolled 786 subjects from February 2015 to March 2017, including 456 individuals with voice disorders (dysphonic group) and 330...
Compensation Strategies in Voice Production With Glottal Insufficiency
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Zhaoyan ZhangSummaryObjectivesThis study evaluates potential compensation strategies under conditions of glottal insufficiency.MethodsUsing a numerical respiratory-laryngeal model of voice production, voice production under conditions of glottal insufficiency is investigated across a large range of voice conditions, and compared with normal voice production.ResultsThis study shows that glottal insufficiency leads...
The Effects of Musician's Earplugs on Acoustic and Perceptual Measures of Choral and Solo Sound
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Sheri L. Cook-CunninghamSummaryObjectivesThe purpose of this investigation was to assess the effects of earplugs on acoustical and perceptual measures of choral and solo sound.MethodsThe researcher tested the effects of musician's earplugs on choral and solo timbre and singer perceptions. Members of an intact women's university choir recorded Dona Nobis Pacem under two conditions, no earplugs and with earplugs over...
Effects of a Straw Phonation Protocol on Acoustic and Perceptual Measures of an SATB Chorus
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Jeremy N. Manternach, James F. DaughertySummaryBackgroundRecent scholarship has suggested that semi-occluded vocal tract (SOVT) exercises may increase vocal economy of individuals by reducing vocal effort while maintaining or increasing acoustic output. Choral singers, however, may use different resonance techniques or change voicing behaviors in an effort to hear their own sound in relation to others. One investigation...
The Effects of Amplification on Vocal Dose in Teachers with Dysphonia
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Joana Perpetuo Assad, Ana Cristina Côrtes Gama, Juliana Nunes Santos, Max de Castro MagalhãesSummaryPurposeThe purpose of this study was to determine if voice amplification influenced vocal dose in female teachers with dysphonia.Material and MethodsThis was an experimental study with comparative intrasubjects in which 15 individuals were compared in two different moments: condition 1 (C1) without voice amplification...
Is the Voice of Professional Voice Users With no Vocal Cord Lesions Similar to That of Non Professional Voice Users?
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Chandala Chitguppi, Anoop Raj, Ravi Meher, P.K. RathoreSummaryObjectiveThe objective of this study was to analyze if the voice of professional voice users (PVU) is comparable with that of a nonprofessional voice users (NPVUs), both of whom have no obvious vocal cord lesions.Materials and MethodsFifty professional and 50 NPVUs with no obvious vocal fold pathologies underwent voice analysis and videostroboscopic study,...
The Impact of Vocal and Laryngeal Pathologies Among Professional Singers: A Meta-analysis
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Michelle Kwok, Guy D. EslickSummaryObjectiveProfessional singers are more likely to develop laryngeal pathologies and symptoms associated with misuse and overuse of the voice. However, different studies have shown conflicting evidence. We aim to perform a systematic review and quantitative meta-analysis to determine the prevalence and risk of laryngeal pathologies and symptoms among professional singers.MethodsFour...
Polysialylated Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule Supports Regeneration of Neurons in the Nucleus Ambiguus After Unilateral Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Avulsion in Adult Rats
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Hui Ren, Wen XuSummaryObjectivesA correlation appears to exist between the expression of the polysialic acid neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) and repair in central nervous system (CNS) diseases. However, the expression of PSA-NCAM in the CNS after peripheral nerve injury remains unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the expression of PSA-NCAM in the ipsilateral nucleus ambiguus (NA) after unilateral recurrent...
Reply to: "Reliability and Validity of Speech Evaluation in Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia; Common Mistake and Statistical Issues" by Saori Yanagida
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Saori Yanagida
Reliability and Validity of Speech Evaluation in Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia: Common Mistake and Statistical Issues
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Siamak Sabour
Bilateral Vocal Fold Medialization: A Treatment for Abductor Spasmodic Dysphonia
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Karuna Dewan, Gerald S. BerkeSummaryIntroductionAbductor spasmodic dysphonia, a difficult-to-treat laryngologic condition, is characterized by spasms causing the vocal folds to remain abducted despite efforts to adduct them during phonation. Traditional treatment for abductor spasmodic dysphonia—botulinum toxin injection into the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle—can be both technically challenging and uncomfortable....
Treatment Outcomes of Bilateral Medialization Thyroplasty for Presbylaryngis
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): Jordan J. Allensworth, Karla O'Dell, Aaron Ziegler, Linda Bryans, Paul Flint, Joshua SchindlerSummaryBackgroundPresbylaryngis is a common cause of dysphonia in elderly patients. Type I thyroplasty serves to improve glottic closure and vocal quality by correcting bowing. Although unilateral and injection-based procedures are well-characterized in the treatment of broadly defined glottic insufficiency, there are insufficient...
Evaluation of Surgical Strategies for Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis Using Excised Canine Larynges
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Voice, Volume 33, Issue 1Author(s): YanLi Ma, RuiQing Wang, Yu Zhang, Jiazhen Le, PeiYun Zhuang, Allyson C. PulvermacherSummaryObjectiveThe objective of this study was to provide a theoretical basis for the selection of optimal surgical procedures in ex vivo simulated bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP).Study DesignFour surgical stages were sequentially performed on 10 excised canine larynges with simulated BVFP: (1) transverse cordotomy, (2) medial...

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