Publication date: May 2019Source: Computer Speech & Language, Volume 55Author(s): Yang Liu, Kun Wang, Chengqing Zong, Keh-Yih Su
Publication date: Available online 24 January 2019Source: Computer Speech & LanguageAuthor(s): An-Zi Yen, Hen-Hsen Huang, Hsin-Hsi ChenAbstractRepresentation of words in different languages is fundamental for various cross-lingual applications. In the past researches, there was an argument in using or not using word alignment in learning bilingual word representations. This paper presents a comprehensive empirical study on the uses of parallel corpus to learn the word representations in the embedding...
Publication date: Available online 23 January 2019Source: Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y AudiologíaAuthor(s): María Soledad Sandoval, Nicole Clause, Magdalena Cancino, Patricia Mora, Pamela Mundaca, Constanza Pantoja, Romina Rojas, Victoria ValdésResumenObjetivoLa enfermedad de Parkinson no solo suele relacionarse con dificultades motoras sino también con deterioro cognitivo. En este sentido, cabe preguntarse si las funciones cognitivas relacionadas con información visuoespacial se ven afectadas...
Publication date: Available online 23 January 2019Source: Journal of Communication DisordersAuthor(s): Alexander Tucci, Elena Plante, Rebecca Vance, Trianna OglivieAbstractPurposeThe first stage of test development is the generation of a pool of potential items to be used in the assessment. Ideally, these items are then tested in the field on members of the population for which the assessment is intended. This initial analysis assures that tests build in validity at the level of the individual items.MethodSeventy-four...
Publication date: March 2019Source: Journal of Phonetics, Volume 73Author(s): Jennifer Cabrelli, Alicia Luque, Irene Finestrat-MartínezAbstractThis study examines potential changes to L1 (Brazilian Portuguese, BP) perception of phonotactic structure as a function of L2 (English) experience. Syllables with a coda stop violate syllable structure constraints in BP, but are licit in English. As a result, BP monolinguals perceive an illusory /i/ after an illicit coda (e.g., ob/i/ter 'to obtain'). To understand...
Publication date: March 2019Source: Journal of Phonetics, Volume 73Author(s): Rachel T.Y. Kan, Monika S. SchmidAbstractThis study uses the Perceptual Assimilation Model for Suprasegmentals (PAM-S) (So & Best, 2008, 2010), supported by the assumptions of the L2 Intonation Learning theory (LILt, Mennen, 2015), to investigate how young heritage speakers of Cantonese living in the United States acquired Cantonese tones. Sixty-seven heritage speakers, aged 5–11, were tested on their perception of...
Publication date: March 2019Source: Journal of Phonetics, Volume 73Author(s): Kelly Harper BerksonAbstractBreathy voiced sonorant consonants are typologically rare, more so than other non-modal sonorants (e.g. voiceless sonorants, which are widely attested in language families like Tibeto-Burman and Otomanguean). Similarly, they are more vulnerable to diachronic loss than voiceless sonorants (e.g. in Tibeto-Burman). The acoustic correlates of breathiness in sonorants have not been thoroughly investigated,...
Publication date: January–February 2019Source: Journal of Communication Disorders, Volume 77Author(s):
Publication date: Available online 22 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Carlos A. Ferrer Riesgo, Elmar Nöth
Cepstral peak prominence (CPP) has become the most successful individual acoustic measure for the objective measurement of vocal quality. It is also the strongest contributor to multidimensional available measures like Acoustic Voice Quality Index1 and Cepstral and Spectral Index of Dysphonia.2 However, a clear understanding of what CPP actually measures and where it can (and where it cannot) be expected to outperform other measures are issues which are still not clearly understood. Given the popularity...
The aim of this study was to determine the immediate effect of the resonance tube technique associated with ascending and descending glissando on the vocal range profile (VRP) of amateur choristers.
Publication date: March 2019Source: Brain and Language, Volume 190Author(s): Caitlin Hilverman, Sarah Brown-Schmidt, Melissa C. DuffAbstractWhen we communicate, we alter our language and gesture based on the mutually shared knowledge – common ground – that we have with our listener. How memory supports these alterations remain unclear. We asked healthy adults and patients with hippocampal amnesia to engage in a referential communication task. Previous work suggests that common ground can be encoded...
Speakers with dysphonia often report difficulty with maintaining intelligibility in noisy environments; however, there is no objective method for characterizing this difficulty. Landmark-based analysis is a linguistically-motived, knowledge-based speech analysis technique, which may serve as the basis of acoustic tool for describing the intelligibility deficit. As the first step toward development of such a tool, this study examined whether Landmark-based analysis could describe acoustic differences...
Publication date: Available online 22 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Nathália Suellen Valeriano Cardoso, Jonia Alves Lucena, Adriana de Oliveira Camargo GomesSummaryObjectiveThe aim of this study was to determine the immediate effect of the resonance tube technique associated with ascending and descending glissando on the vocal range profile (VRP) of amateur choristers.MethodThe sample consisted of 40 choristers aged between 18 and 57 years (average of 26.28 ± 7.51 years) with the...
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Phonetics, Volume 72Author(s): D.H. Whalen
Publication date: January 2019Source: Journal of Phonetics, Volume 72Author(s):
Publication date: March 2019Source: Brain and Language, Volume 190Author(s): María José Torres-Prioris, Diana López-Barroso, Núria Roé-Vellvé, José Paredes-Pacheco, Guadalupe Dávila, Marcelo L. BerthierAbstractRepetitive verbal behaviors such as conduite d'approche (CdA) and mitigated echolalia (ME) are well-known phenomena since early descriptions of aphasia. Nevertheless, there is no substantial fresh knowledge on their clinical features, neural correlates and treatment interventions. In the present...
Publication date: Available online 17 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Rehab Awad, Eamon Shamil, Nicholas Gibbins, Anthony Aymat, Sara HarrisAbstractIntroduction: To determine the consistency and accuracy of preoperative diagnosis in the voice clinic with intraoperative diagnosis and to suggest a standardized laryngeal examination protocol in the UK that is supported by evidence-based findings.Method: From January 2011-September 2014, 164 patients were referred to the Multidisciplinary...
Publication date: Available online 17 January 2019Source: Journal of VoiceAuthor(s): Kevin Pasternak, Susan L. ThibeaultSummaryObjectiveTo investigate patient-level predictors of initiation of voice therapy for paradoxical vocal fold motion disorder (PVFM).Study DesignProspective outcomes database study.MethodsPatients consented to the University of Wisconsin Voice and Swallow Clinics Outcomes Database between March 2010 and November 2016 who were diagnosed with PVFM and recommended for voice therapy...
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