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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology

Correction to: High-yield production of l -serine from glycerol by engineered Escherichia coli

Unfortunately, the order of the figures 1-4 has been positioned wrongly in the print published article

Efficient production of xylitol by the integration of multiple copies of xylose reductase gene and the deletion of Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas pathway-associated genes to enhance NADPH regeneration in Escherichia coli


Cofactor supply is a rate-limiting step in the bioconversion of xylose to xylitol. Strain WZ04 was first constructed by a novel simultaneous deletion–insertion strategy, replacing ptsGxylAB and ptsF in wild-type Escherichia coli W3110 with three mutated xylose reductase genes (xr) from Neurospora crassa. Then, the pfkApfkBpgi and/or sthA genes were deleted and replaced by xr to investigate the influence of carbon flux toward the pentose phosphate pathway and/or transhydrogenase activity on NADPH generation. The deletion of pfkA/pfkB significantly improved NADPH supply, but minimally influenced cell growth. The effects of insertion position and copy number of xr were examined by a quantitative real-time PCR and a shake-flask fermentation experiment. In a fed-batch fermentation experiment with a 15-L bioreactor, strain WZ51 produced 131.6 g L−1 xylitol from hemicellulosic hydrolysate (xylitol productivity: 2.09 g L−1 h−1). This study provided a potential approach for industrial-scale production of xylitol from hemicellulosic hydrolysate.

Quorum sensing inhibition as a promising method to control biofilm growth in metalworking fluids


Microbial contamination in metalworking systems is a critical problem. This study determined the microbial communities in metalworking fluids (MWFs) from two machining shops and investigated the effect of quorum sensing inhibition (QSI) on biofilm growth. In both operations, biofilm-associated and planktonic microbial communities were dominated by Pseudomonadales (60.2–99.7%). Rapid recolonization was observed even after dumping spent MWFs and meticulous cleaning. Using Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 as a model biofilm organism, patulin (40 µM) and furanone C-30 (75 µM) were identified as effective QSI agents. Both agents had a substantially higher efficacy compared to α-amylase (extracellular polymeric substance degrading enzyme) and reduced biofilm formation by 63% and 76%, respectively, in MWF when compared to untreated controls. Reduced production of putatively identified homoserine lactones and quinoline in MWF treated with QS inhibitors support the effect of QSI on biofilm formation. The results highlight the effectiveness of QSI as a potential strategy to eradicate biofilms in MWFs.

Effect of applied voltage and temperature on methane production and microbial community in microbial electrochemical anaerobic digestion systems treating swine manure


Microbial electrochemical technology (MET) that can harvest electricity/valuable materials and enhance the efficiency of conventional biological processes through the redox reaction of organic/inorganic compounds has attracted considerable attention. MET-based anaerobic digestion (AD) systems treating swine manure were operated at different applied voltages (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 V) and temperatures (25, 35, and 45 °C). Among the MET-based AD systems with different applied voltages at 35 °C, M4 at 0.7 V showed the highest methane production (2.96 m3-CH4/m3) and methane yield (0.64 m3-CH4/kg-VS). The methane production and yield increased with increasing temperature at an applied voltage of 0.7 V. Nevertheless, the MET-based AD systems (LM at 25 °C and 0.7V) showed competitive AD performance (2.33 m3-CH4/m3 and 0.53 m3-CH4/VS) compared with the conventional AD system (35 °C). The microbial community was affected by the applied voltage and temperature, and hydrogenotrophic methanogens such as M. flavescens, M. hungatei, and M. thermautotrophicus were mainly responsible for methane production in MET-based AD systems. Therefore, the methane production can be enhanced by an applied voltage or by direct interspecies electron transfer because M. flavescens and M. thermautotrophicus were especially predominant in cathode of MET-based AD systems. The MET-based AD systems can help enhance biogas production from swine manure with no significant change in methane content. Furthermore, MET-based AD systems will be a promising AD system through low material development and the optimal operation.

Characterization and engineering of the Lrp/AsnC family regulator SACE_5717 for erythromycin overproduction in Saccharopolyspora erythraea


In this work, we found that the Lrp/AsnC family protein SACE_5717 negatively regulated erythromycin biosynthesis in S. erythraea. Disruption of SACE_5717 led to a 27% improvement in the yield of erythromycin in S. erythraea A226. SACE_5717 directly repressed its own gene expression, as well as that of the adjacent gene SACE_5716 by binding to the target sequence 5′-GAACGTTCGCCGTCACGCC-3′. The predicted LysE superfamily protein SACE_5716 directly influenced the export of lysine, histidine, threonine and glycine in S. erythraea. Arginine, tyrosine and tryptophan were characterized as the effectors of SACE_5717 by weakening the binding affinity of SACE_5717. In the industrial S. erythraea WB strain, deletion of SACE_5717 (WBΔSACE_5717) increased erythromycin yield by 20%, and by 36% when SACE_5716 was overexpressed in WBΔSACE_5717 (WBΔSACE_5717/5716). In large-scale 5-L fermentation experiment, erythromycin yield in the engineered strain WBΔSACE_5717/5716 reached 4686 mg/L, a 41% enhancement over 3323 mg/L of the parent WB strain.

CRISPR/Cas9-mediated engineering of Escherichia coli for n -butanol production from xylose in defined medium


Butanol production from agricultural residues is the most promising alternative for fossil fuels. To reach the economic viability of biobutanol production, both glucose and xylose should be utilized and converted into butanol. Here, we engineered a dual-operon-based synthetic pathway in the genome of E. coli MG1655 to produce n-butanol using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Further deletion of competing pathway followed by fed-batch cultivation of the engineered strain in a bioreactor with glucose-containing complex medium yielded 5.4 g/L n-butanol along with pyruvate as major co-product, indicating a redox imbalance. To ferment xylose into butanol in redox-balanced manner, we selected SSK42, an ethanologenic E. coli strain engineered and evolved in our laboratory to produce ethanol from xylose, for integrating synthetic butanol cassette in its genome via CRISPR/Cas9 after deleting the gene responsible for endogenous ethanol production. The engineered plasmid- and marker-free strain, ASA02, produced 4.32 g/L butanol in fed-batch fermentation in completely defined AM1–xylose medium.

Coenzyme Q biosynthesis in the biopesticide Shenqinmycin-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain M18


Coenzyme Q (ubiquinone) is a redox-active isoprenylated benzoquinone commonly found in living organisms. The biosynthetic pathway for this lipid has been extensively studied in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae; however, little is known in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In this study, we observed that CoQ9 is the predominant coenzyme Q synthesized by the Shenqinmycin-producing strain M18. BLASTP and domain organization analyses identified 15 putative genes for CoQ biosynthesis in M18. The roles of 5 of these genes were genetically and biochemically investigated. PAM18_4662 encodes a nonaprenyl diphosphate synthase (Nds) and determines the number of isoprenoid units of CoQ9 in M18. PAM18_0636 (coq7PA) and PAM18_5179 (ubiJPA) are essential for aerobic growth and CoQ9 biosynthesis. Deletion of ubiJPAubiBPA and ubiKPA led to reduced CoQ biosynthesis and an accumulation of the CoQ9 biosynthetic intermediate 3-nonaprenylphenol (NPP). Moreover, we also provide evidence that the truncated UbiJPA interacts with UbiBPA and UbiKPA to affect CoQ9 biosynthesis by forming a regulatory complex. The genetic diversity of coenzyme Q biosynthesis may provide targets for the future design of specific drugs to prevent P. aeruginosa-related infections.

Correction to: Development of an autotrophic fermentation technique for the production of fatty acids using an engineered Ralstonia eutropha cell factory

The article Development of an autotrophic fermentation technique for the production of fatty acids using an engineered

Tolerance and transcriptional analysis of Corynebacterium glutamicum on biotransformation of toxic furaldehyde and benzaldehyde inhibitory compounds


Furaldehydes and benzaldehydes are among the most toxic inhibitors from lignocellulose pretreatment on microbial growth and metabolism. The bioconversion of aldehyde inhibitors into less toxic alcohols or acids (biotransformation) is the prerequisite condition for efficient biorefinery fermentations. This study found that Corynebacterium glutamicum S9114 demonstrated excellent tolerance and biotransformation capacity to five typical aldehyde inhibitors including two furaldehydes: 2-furaldehyde (furfural), 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-furaldehyde, and three benzaldehydes: 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde (vanillin), and 4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde (syringaldehyde). Transcription levels of 93 genes hypothesized to be responsible for five aldehydes biotransformation were examined by qRT-PCR. Multiple genes showed significantly up-regulated expression against furaldehydes or benzaldehydes. Overexpression of CGS9114_RS01115 in C. glutamicum resulted in the increased conversion of all five aldehyde inhibitors. The significant oxidoreductase genes responsible for each or multiple inhibitors biotransformation identified in this study will serve as a component of key gene device library for robust biorefinery fermentation strains development in the future biorefinery applications.

Inactivation of the uptake hydrogenase in the purple non-sulfur photosynthetic bacterium Rubrivivax gelatinosus CBS enables a biological water–gas shift platform for H 2 production


Biological H2 production has potential to address energy security and environmental concerns if produced from renewable or waste sources. The purple non-sulfur photosynthetic bacterium Rubrivivax gelatinosus CBS produces H2 while oxidizing CO, a component of synthesis gas (Syngas). CO-linked H2 production is facilitated by an energy-converting hydrogenase (Ech), while a subsequent H2 oxidation reaction is catalyzed by a membrane-bound hydrogenase (MBH). Both hydrogenases contain [NiFe] active sites requiring 6 maturation factors (HypA-F) for assembly, but it is unclear which of the two annotated sets of hyp genes are required for each in R. gelatinosus CBS. Herein, we report correlated expression of hyp1 genes with Ech genes and hyp2 expression with MBH genes. Moreover, we find that while Ech H2 evolving activity is only delayed when hyp1 is deleted, hyp2 deletion completely disrupts MBH H2 uptake, providing a platform for a biologically driven water–gas shift reaction to produce H2 from CO.

Alexandros Sfakianakis
Anapafseos 5 . Agios Nikolaos

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