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Sunday, July 14, 2019


How do cells count multi-copy genes?: "Musical Chair" model for preserving the number of rDNA copies


To supply abundant ribosomes, multiple copies of ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA) are conserved from bacterial to human cells. In eukaryotic genomes, clusters of tandemly repeated rDNA units are present, and their number is stably maintained. Due to high level of transcription of rRNA genes, the repetitive structure is prone to rearrangement. In budding yeast, rDNA homeostasis can compensate for this by the regulation of recombination events that will change the copy number. The histone deacetylase Sir2 plays a key role in rDNA copy maintenance and its expression level determines a state of "maintenance" or "amplification" of rDNA copy number. We recently showed that Upstream Activating Factors (UAF) for RNA polymerase I act as a RNA polymerase II repressor of SIR2 transcription in response to rDNA copy loss. Furthermore, the amount of UAF, which is limited in the cell, determines the stable copy number of rDNA and is a molecular switch for rDNA recovery. In this mini-review, we propose a "Musical Chair" model for rDNA copy counting as mediated by UAF and Sir2. The model describes how a straightforward molecular mechanism can account for the "cellular memory" of the proper rDNA copy number.

Towards understanding mRNA-binding protein specificity: lessons from post-transcriptional regulation of ATG mRNA during nitrogen starvation-induced autophagy


In this report, we discuss recent discoveries concerning the effects and specificity of different RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) as they pertain to macroautophagy/autophagy. Autophagy is a fundamental cellular degradation and recycling pathway, which has attracted substantial attention because defects in this process are associated with a wide range of human disorders including cancer, neurodegeneration, and metabolic diseases. Autophagy must be tightly controlled—either too much or too little can be deleterious. Therefore, understanding the complex regulation of autophagy is critical to achieve the goal of modulating the process for therapeutic purposes. Autophagy occurs constitutively, but is upregulated in response to stress. Here, we highlight a role for various RBPs in regulating particular autophagy-related (ATG) mRNAs. We briefly summarize recent publications, which focus on the RBPs Dhh1, Pat1, Lsm1–Lsm7 and Dcp2 in the post-transcriptional regulation of certain mRNAs that encode key components of the autophagy machinery. Finally, we consider how the established role of these and other RBPs in enhancing decapping and downregulating mRNAs is not their only function when it comes to regulating stress-related transcripts. Most ATG genes are downregulated during growth, in contrast to the vast majority of the genome; we discuss how certain regulatory factors play a key role in maintaining autophagy at a basal level during growth, while allowing for a rapid increase when cells encounter various stress conditions.

CreA-independent carbon catabolite repression of cellulase genes by trimeric G-protein and protein kinase A in Aspergillus nidulans


Cellulase production in filamentous fungi is repressed by various carbon sources. In our preliminary survey in Aspergillus nidulans, degree of de-repression differed depending on carbon sources in a mutant of creA, encoding the transcriptional repressor for carbon catabolite repression (CCR). To further understand mechanisms of CCR of cellulase production, we compared the effects of creA deletion with deletion of protein kinase A (pkaA) and G (ganB) genes, which constitute a nutrient sensing and signaling pathway. In plate culture with carboxymethyl cellulose and d-glucose, deletion of pkaA and ganB, but not creA, led to significant de-repression of cellulase production. In submerged culture with cellobiose and d-glucose or 2-deoxyglucose, both creA or pkaA single deletion led to partial de-repression of cellulase genes with the highest level by their double deletion, while ganB deletion caused de-repression comparable to that of the creA/pkaA double deletion. With ball-milled cellulose and d-glucose, partial de-repression was detected by deletion of creA but not of pkaA or ganB. The creA/pkaA or creA/ganB double deletion led to earlier expression than the creA deletion. Furthermore, the effect of each deletion with d-xylose or L-arabinose as the repressing carbon source was significantly different from that with d-glucose, d-fructose, and d-mannose. Consequently, this study revealed that PkaA and GanB participate in CreA-independent CCR and that contribution of CreA, PkaA, and GanB in CCR differs depending on the inducers, repressing carbon sources, and culture conditions (plate or submerged). Further study of CreA-independent mechanisms is needed to fully understand CCR in filamentous fungi.

High-energy guanine nucleotides as a signal capable of linking growth to cellular energy status via the control of gene transcription


This mini-review considers the idea that guanylate nucleotide energy charge acts as an integrative signal for the regulation of gene expression in eukaryotic cells and discusses possible routes for that signal's transduction. Gene expression is intimately linked with cell nutrition and diverse signaling systems serve to coordinate the synthesis of proteins required for growth and proliferation with the prevailing cellular nutritional status. Using short pathways for the inducible and futile consumption of ATP or GTP in engineered cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have recently shown that GTP levels can also play a role in determining how genes act to respond to changes in cellular energy supply. This review aims to interpret the importance of GTP as an integrative signal in the context of an increasing body of evidence indicating the spatio-temporal complexity of cellular de novo purine nucleotide biosynthesis.

ESCRT-III accessory proteins regulate fungal development and plant infection in Fusarium graminearum


Ubiquitinated biosynthetic and surface proteins destined for degradation are sorted into the lysosome/vacuole via the multivesicular body sorting pathway, which depends on the function of ESCRT machinery. Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by Fusarium graminearum is one of the most devastating diseases for wheat and barley worldwide. To better understand the role of ESCRT machinery in F. graminearum, we investigated the function of ESCRT-III accessory proteins FgVps60, FgDid2 and FgIst1 in this study. FgVps60–GFP, FgDid2–GFP and FgIst1–GFP are localized to punctate structures adjacent to the vacuolar membrane except for FgIst1–GFP that is also found in the nucleus. Then, the gene deletion mutants ΔFgvps60, ΔFgdid2 and ΔFgist1 displayed defective growth to a different extent. ΔFgvps60 and ΔFgdid2 but not ΔFgist1 also showed significant reduction in hydrophobicity on cell surface, conidiation, perithecia production and virulence. Interestingly, ΔFgist1 mutant produced a significantly higher level of DON while showing a minor reduction in pathogenicity. Microscopic analyses revealed that FgVps60 but not FgIst1 and FgDid2 is necessary for endocytosis. Moreover, spontaneous mutations were identified in the ΔFgvps60 mutant that partially rescued its defects in growth and conidiation. Taken together, we conclude that ESCRT-III accessory proteins play critical roles in growth, reproduction and plant infection in F. graminearum.

A brief review of bioluminescent systems (2019)


Despite being widely used in reporter technologies, bioluminescent systems are largely understudied. Of at least forty different bioluminescent systems thought to exist in nature, molecular components of only seven light-emitting reactions are known, and the full biochemical pathway leading to light emission is only understood for two of them. Here, we provide a succinct overview of currently known bioluminescent systems highlighting available tools for research and discussing future applications.

Stress-induced protein aggregates shape population heterogeneity in bacteria


The concept of phenotypic heterogeneity preparing a subpopulation of isogenic cells to better cope with anticipated stresses has been well established. However, less is known about how stress itself can drive subsequent cellular individualization in clonal populations. In this perspective, we focus on the impact of stress-induced cellular protein aggregates, and how their segregation and disaggregation can act as a deterministic incentive for heterogeneity in the population emerging from a stressed ancestor.

Impaired GCR1 transcription resulted in defective inositol levels, vacuolar structure and autophagy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae


In yeast, the GCR1 transcription factor is involved in the regulation of glycolysis and its deletion exhibited growth defect, reduced inositol and phosphatidylinositol (PI) levels compared to WT cells. We observed a down regulation of the INO1 and PIS1 expression in gcr1∆ cells under both I− and I+ conditions and the over expression of GCR1 in gcr1∆ cells restored the growth, retrieved the expression of INO1, and PIS1 comparable to WT cells. In the gel shift assay, the Gcr1p binds to its consensus sequence CTTCC in PIS1 promoter and regulates its expression but not in INO1 transcription. The WT cells, under I− significantly reduced the expression of GCR1 and PIS1, but increased the expression of KCS1 and de-repressed INO1. The Kcs1p expression was reduced in gcr1∆ cells; this reduced INO1 expression resulting in abnormal vacuolar structure and reduced autophagy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Meiotic prophase-like pathway for cleavage-independent removal of cohesin for chromosome morphogenesis


Sister chromatid cohesion is essential for chromosome segregation both in mitosis and meiosis. Cohesion between two chromatids is mediated by a protein complex called cohesin. The loading and unloading of the cohesin are tightly regulated during the cell cycle. In vertebrate cells, cohesin is released from chromosomes by two distinct pathways. The best characterized pathway occurs at the onset of anaphase, when the kleisin component of the cohesin is destroyed by a protease, separase. The cleavage of the cohesin by separase releases entrapped sister chromatids allowing anaphase to commence. In addition, prior to the metaphase–anaphase transition, most of cohesin is removed from chromosomes in a cleavage-independent manner. This cohesin release is referred to as the prophase pathway. In meiotic cells, sister chromatid cohesion is essential for the segregation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis I. Thus, it was assumed that the prophase pathway for cohesin removal from chromosome arms would be suppressed during meiosis to avoid errors in chromosome segregation. However, recent studies revealed the presence of a meiosis-specific prophase-like pathway for cleavage-independent removal of cohesin during late prophase I in different organisms. In budding yeast, the cleavage-independent removal of cohesin is mediated through meiosis-specific phosphorylation of cohesin subunits, Rec8, the meiosis-specific kleisin, and the yeast Wapl ortholog, Rad61/Wpl1. This pathway plays a role in chromosome morphogenesis during late prophase I, promoting chromosome compaction. In this review, we give an overview of the prophase pathway for cohesin dynamics during meiosis, which has a complex regulation leading to differentially localized populations of cohesin along meiotic chromosomes.

Mdivi-1 and mitochondrial fission: recent insights from fungal pathogens


Mitochondrial fission shows potential as a therapeutic target in non-infectious human diseases. The compound mdivi-1 was identified as a mitochondrial fission inhibitor that acts against the evolutionarily conserved mitochondrial fission GTPase Dnm1/Drp1, and shows promising data in pre-clinical models of human pathologies. Two recent studies, however, found no evidence that mdivi-1 acts as a mitochondrial fission inhibitor and proposed other mechanisms. In mammalian cells, Bordt et al. showed that mdivi-1 inhibits complex I in mitochondria (Dev Cell 40:583, 2017). In a second study, we have recently demonstrated that mdivi-1 does not trigger a mitochondrial morphology change in the human yeast pathogen Candida albicans, but impacts on endogenous nitric oxide (NO) levels and inhibits the key virulence property of hyphal formation (Koch et al., Cell Rep 25:2244, 2018). Here we discuss recent insights into mdivi-1's action in pathogenic fungi and the potential and challenges for repurposing it as an anti-infective. We also outline recent findings on the roles of mitochondrial fission in human and plant fungal pathogens, with the goal of starting the conversation on whether the research field of fungal pathogenesis can benefit from efforts in other disease areas aimed at developing therapeutic inhibitors of mitochondrial division.

Alexandros Sfakianakis
Anapafseos 5 . Agios Nikolaos

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