IJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 2673: Whitefly Control Strategies against Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus...
IJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 2673: Whitefly Control Strategies against Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus in Greenhouse ZucchiniIJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 2673: Whitefly Control Strategies against Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi Virus in Greenhouse Zucchini International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph16152673 Authors: Estefanía Rodríguez Mª Mar Téllez Dirk Janssen (1) Background: Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), transmitted by tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius)...
Water, Vol. 11, Pages 1545: New Compound Open Channel Section with Polynomial Sides: Improving Cost and AestheticsWater, Vol. 11, Pages 1545: New Compound Open Channel Section with Polynomial Sides: Improving Cost and Aesthetics Water doi: 10.3390/w11081545 Authors: Easa Han Previous research on compound trapezoidal cross sections has mainly focused on improving the prediction of the discharge (flow rate) because of its inherent challenges. This paper focuses on two other important aspects: Section...
Vaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 73: Inactivated Rabies Virus-Vectored Immunocontraceptive Vaccine in a Thermo-Responsive Hydrogel Induces High and Persistent Antibodies against Rabies, but Insufficient Antibodies against Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone for ContraceptionVaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 73: Inactivated Rabies Virus-Vectored Immunocontraceptive Vaccine in a Thermo-Responsive Hydrogel Induces High and Persistent Antibodies against Rabies, but Insufficient Antibodies against Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone...
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 682: Recombinant Chimeric Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV) - Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) Virus Provides Protection against Virulent PEDVViruses, Vol. 11, Pages 682: Recombinant Chimeric Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV) - Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) Virus Provides Protection against Virulent PEDV Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11080682 Authors: Pascual-Iglesias Sanchez Penzes Sola Enjuanes Zuñiga Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) is an...
Toxins, Vol. 11, Pages 441: Determination of Deoxynivalenol Biomarkers in Italian Urine SamplesToxins, Vol. 11, Pages 441: Determination of Deoxynivalenol Biomarkers in Italian Urine Samples Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins11080441 Authors: De Santis Debegnach Miano Moretti Sonego Chiaretti Buonsenso Brera Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a mycotoxin mainly produced by Fusarium graminearum that can contaminate cereals and cereal-based foodstuff. Urinary DON levels can be used as biomarker for exposure assessment...
Robotics, Vol. 8, Pages 61: A Sensor-Network-Supported Mobile-Agent-Search Strategy for Wilderness RescueRobotics, Vol. 8, Pages 61: A Sensor-Network-Supported Mobile-Agent-Search Strategy for Wilderness Rescue Robotics doi: 10.3390/robotics8030061 Authors: Shin Kashino Nejat Benhabib Mobile target search is a problem pertinent to a variety of applications, including wilderness search and rescue. This paper proposes a hybrid approach for target search utilizing a team of mobile agents supported by...
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 363: Oxytetracycline versus Doxycycline Collagen Sponges Designed as Potential Carrier Supports in Biomedical ApplicationsPharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 363: Oxytetracycline versus Doxycycline Collagen Sponges Designed as Potential Carrier Supports in Biomedical Applications Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11080363 Authors: Tihan Rău Zgârian Ungureanu Barbaresso Kaya Dinu-Pîrvu Ghica Many research studies are directed toward developing safe and efficient collagen-based...
Nutrients, Vol. 11, Pages 1722: Bone Protective Effect of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Phenolic Compounds by Modulating Osteoblast Gene ExpressionNutrients, Vol. 11, Pages 1722: Bone Protective Effect of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Phenolic Compounds by Modulating Osteoblast Gene Expression Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu11081722 Authors: Melguizo-Rodríguez Manzano-Moreno Illescas-Montes Ramos-Torrecillas Luna-Bertos Ruiz García-Martínez The phenolic compounds of extra-virgin olive oil can act at various levels to...
Nanomaterials, Vol. 9, Pages 1071: Sintering Copper Nanoparticles with Photonic Additive for Printed Conductive Patterns by Intense Pulsed LightNanomaterials, Vol. 9, Pages 1071: Sintering Copper Nanoparticles with Photonic Additive for Printed Conductive Patterns by Intense Pulsed Light Nanomaterials doi: 10.3390/nano9081071 Authors: Chung Lai Yonezawa Liao In this study, an ink formulation was developed to prepare conductive copper thin films with compact structure by using intense pulsed light...
Molecules, Vol. 24, Pages 2711: Recent Advances in Aggregation-Induced Emission Chemosensors for Anion SensingMolecules, Vol. 24, Pages 2711: Recent Advances in Aggregation-Induced Emission Chemosensors for Anion Sensing Molecules doi: 10.3390/molecules24152711 Authors: Ming Hui Chua Kwok Wei Shah Hui Zhou Jianwei Xu The discovery of the aggregation-induced emission (AIE) phenomenon in the early 2000s not only has overcome persistent challenges caused by traditional aggregation-caused quenching (ACQ),...
Microorganisms, Vol. 7, Pages 216: New Insights to Adenovirus-Directed Innate Immunity in Respiratory Epithelial CellsMicroorganisms, Vol. 7, Pages 216: New Insights to Adenovirus-Directed Innate Immunity in Respiratory Epithelial Cells Microorganisms doi: 10.3390/microorganisms7080216 Authors: Cathleen R. Carlin The nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NFκB) family of transcription factors is a key component of the host innate immune response to infectious adenoviruses...
MPs, Vol. 2, Pages 63: One-Step ARMS-PCR for the Detection of SNPs—Using the Example of the PADI4...
MPs, Vol. 2, Pages 63: One-Step ARMS-PCR for the Detection of SNPs—Using the Example of the PADI4 GeneMPs, Vol. 2, Pages 63: One-Step ARMS-PCR for the Detection of SNPs—Using the Example of the PADI4 Gene Methods and Protocols doi: 10.3390/mps2030063 Authors: Ehnert Linnemann Braun Botsch Leibiger Hemmann Nussler In eukaryotes, cellular functions are tightly controlled by diverse post-translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins. One such PTM affecting many proteins is the deimination of arginine...
Metabolites, Vol. 9, Pages 157: Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid from COPD Patients Reveals More Compounds Associated with Disease than Matched PlasmaMetabolites, Vol. 9, Pages 157: Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid from COPD Patients Reveals More Compounds Associated with Disease than Matched Plasma Metabolites doi: 10.3390/metabo9080157 Authors: Eitan Halper-Stromberg Lucas Gillenwater Charmion Cruickshank-Quinn Wanda Kay O'Neal Nichole Reisdorph Irina Petrache Yonghua Zhuang Wassim W. Labaki Jeffrey L....
Medicina, Vol. 55, Pages 407: Hypocalcemia and Vitamin D Deficiency amongst Migraine Patients: A Nationwide Retrospective StudyMedicina, Vol. 55, Pages 407: Hypocalcemia and Vitamin D Deficiency amongst Migraine Patients: A Nationwide Retrospective Study Medicina doi: 10.3390/medicina55080407 Authors: Patel Kodumuri Malik Kapoor Malhi Patel Saiyed Lavado Kapoor Background and Objectives: Inadequate vitamin D and calcium intake have been linked to many health issues including chronic headaches. Some...
JFMK, Vol. 4, Pages 49: Contralateral Muscle Imbalances and Physiological Profile of Recreational...
JFMK, Vol. 4, Pages 49: Contralateral Muscle Imbalances and Physiological Profile of Recreational Aerial AthletesJFMK, Vol. 4, Pages 49: Contralateral Muscle Imbalances and Physiological Profile of Recreational Aerial Athletes Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology doi: 10.3390/jfmk4030049 Authors: Ruggieri Costa Background: Aerial fitness is quickly gaining popularity; however, little is known regarding the physiological demands of aerial athletes. The purpose of the study was to examine...
JCM, Vol. 8, Pages 1107: Emerging and Novel Treatments for Pituitary TumorsJCM, Vol. 8, Pages 1107: Emerging and Novel Treatments for Pituitary Tumors Journal of Clinical Medicine doi: 10.3390/jcm8081107 Authors: Ilie Lasolle Raverot A subset of pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs) have an aggressive behavior, showing resistance to treatment and/or multiple recurrences in spite of the optimal use of standard therapies (surgery, conventional medical treatments, and radiotherapy). To date, for...
IJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 3649: Ionizing Radiation Increases the Activity of Exosomal Secretory Pathway in MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells: A Possible Way to Communicate Resistance against RadiotherapyIJMS, Vol. 20, Pages 3649: Ionizing Radiation Increases the Activity of Exosomal Secretory Pathway in MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells: A Possible Way to Communicate Resistance against Radiotherapy International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms20153649 Authors: Nasrollah Jabbari Muhammad Nawaz...
IJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 2670: Negative Influences of the 4th Industrial Revolution on the Workplace: Towards a Theoretical Model of Entropic Citizen Behavior in Toxic OrganizationsIJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 2670: Negative Influences of the 4th Industrial Revolution on the Workplace: Towards a Theoretical Model of Entropic Citizen Behavior in Toxic Organizations International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph16152670 Authors: Coldwell The 4th industrial revolution,...
Heritage, Vol. 2, Pages 2171-2182: Geological and Cultural Heritage: Dissemination Experiences in TuscanyHeritage, Vol. 2, Pages 2171-2182: Geological and Cultural Heritage: Dissemination Experiences in Tuscany Heritage doi: 10.3390/heritage2030131 Authors: Sonia La Felice Tsegaye Abebe Andrea Aquino Simone Landi Marco Lezzerini Claudia Principe We report on some recent experiences of scientific dissemination activities on geomaterials carried out by a network of scientific organizations in Tuscany...
Foods, Vol. 8, Pages 286: Reutilization of Food Waste: One-Step Extration, Purification and Characterization of Ovalbumin from Salted Egg White by Aqueous Two-Phase FlotationFoods, Vol. 8, Pages 286: Reutilization of Food Waste: One-Step Extration, Purification and Characterization of Ovalbumin from Salted Egg White by Aqueous Two-Phase Flotation Foods doi: 10.3390/foods8080286 Authors: Bin Jiang Jiaxin Na Lele Wang Dongmei Li Chunhong Liu Zhibiao Feng For the purpose of reducing pollution and the...
Diversity, Vol. 11, Pages 119: Exploring the Interplay Between Local and Regional Drivers of Distribution of a Subterranean OrganismDiversity, Vol. 11, Pages 119: Exploring the Interplay Between Local and Regional Drivers of Distribution of a Subterranean Organism Diversity doi: 10.3390/d11080119 Authors: Stefano Mammola Shlomi Aharon Merav Seifan Yael Lubin Efrat Gavish-Regev Caves are excellent model systems to study the effects of abiotic factors on species distributions due to their selective...
Chemosensors, Vol. 7, Pages 33: Detecting Fingerprints of Waterborne Bacteria on a SensorChemosensors, Vol. 7, Pages 33: Detecting Fingerprints of Waterborne Bacteria on a Sensor Chemosensors doi: 10.3390/chemosensors7030033 Authors: Saylan Erdem Cihangir Denizli Human fecal contamination is a crucial threat that results in difficulties in access to clean water. Enterococcus faecalis is a bacteria which is utilized as an indicator in polluted water. Nevertheless, existing strategies face several...
Cells, Vol. 8, Pages 776: Rifampicin and Its Derivative Rifampicin Quinone Reduce Microglial Inflammatory Responses and Neurodegeneration Induced In Vitro by α-Synuclein Fibrillary AggregatesCells, Vol. 8, Pages 776: Rifampicin and Its Derivative Rifampicin Quinone Reduce Microglial Inflammatory Responses and Neurodegeneration Induced In Vitro by α-Synuclein Fibrillary Aggregates Cells doi: 10.3390/cells8080776 Authors: Acuña Hamadat Corbalán González-Lizárraga dos-Santos-Pereira Rocca Díaz Del-Bel...
Brain Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 176: Seeing a Face in a Crowd of Emotional Voices: Changes in Perception and Cortisol in Response to Emotional Information across the SensesBrain Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 176: Seeing a Face in a Crowd of Emotional Voices: Changes in Perception and Cortisol in Response to Emotional Information across the Senses Brain Sciences doi: 10.3390/brainsci9080176 Authors: Sarah C. Izen Hannah E. Lapp Daniel A. Harris Richard G. Hunter Vivian M. Ciaramitaro One source of information...
Cancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1054: Astragalus polysaccharide (PG2) Ameliorates Cancer Symptom Clusters, as well as Improves Quality of Life in Patients with Metastatic Disease, through Modulation of the Inflammatory CascadeCancers, Vol. 11, Pages 1054: Astragalus polysaccharide (PG2) Ameliorates Cancer Symptom Clusters, as well as Improves Quality of Life in Patients with Metastatic Disease, through Modulation of the Inflammatory Cascade Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers11081054 Authors: Wen-Chien Huang Kuang-Tai...
Biomolecules, Vol. 9, Pages 306: Antrodia cinnamomea Enhances Chemo-Sensitivity of 5-FU and Suppresses Colon Tumorigenesis and Cancer Stemness via Up-Regulation of Tumor Suppressor miR-142-3pBiomolecules, Vol. 9, Pages 306: Antrodia cinnamomea Enhances Chemo-Sensitivity of 5-FU and Suppresses Colon Tumorigenesis and Cancer Stemness via Up-Regulation of Tumor Suppressor miR-142-3p Biomolecules doi: 10.3390/biom9080306 Authors: Huang Yadav Srivastava Wu Huynh Wei Huang Huang 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) regimen...
Biomimetics, Vol. 4, Pages 52: Towards a Dynamic Model of the Kangaroo Knee for Clinical Insights into Human Knee Pathology and Treatment: Establishing a Static Biomechanical ProfileThu Jul 25, 2019 03:00by Fatima via BiomimeticsBiomimetics, Vol. 4, Pages 52: Towards a Dynamic Model of the Kangaroo Knee for Clinical Insights into Human Knee Pathology and Treatment: Establishing a Static Biomechanical ProfileBiomimetics doi: 10.3390/biomimetics4030052Authors: Fatima Scholes Zhong KohanThere is limited...
Biomedicines, Vol. 7, Pages 54: Management of Bleeding from Unresectable Gastric CancerWed Jul 24, 2019 03:00by Hideaki Kawabata via BiomedicinesBiomedicines, Vol. 7, Pages 54: Management of Bleeding from Unresectable Gastric CancerBiomedicines doi: 10.3390/biomedicines7030054Authors: Hideaki Kawabata Misuzu Hitomi Shigehiro MotoiBleeding from unresectable gastric cancer (URGC) is not a rare complication. Two major ways in which the management of this issue differs from the management of benign lesions...
Bioengineering, Vol. 6, Pages 63: WeReview: CRISPR Tools—Live Repository of Computational Tools for Assisting CRISPR/Cas ExperimentsThu Jul 25, 2019 03:00by Torres-Perez via BioengineeringBioengineering, Vol. 6, Pages 63: WeReview: CRISPR Tools—Live Repository of Computational Tools for Assisting CRISPR/Cas ExperimentsBioengineering doi: 10.3390/bioengineering6030063Authors: Torres-Perez Garcia-Martin Montoliu Oliveros PazosComputational tools are essential in the process of designing a CRISPR/Cas...
Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 82: The Use of Digital Technologies, Impulsivity and Psychopathological Symptoms in AdolescenceWed Jul 24, 2019 03:00by Luca Cerniglia via Behavioral SciencesBehavioral Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 82: The Use of Digital Technologies, Impulsivity and Psychopathological Symptoms in AdolescenceBehavioral Sciences doi: 10.3390/bs9080082Authors: Luca Cerniglia Marco Guicciardi Maria Sinatra Lucia Monacis Alessandra Simonelli Silvia CiminoBackground and aims: Past research...
Atmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 427: Statistical Downscaling of Urban-scale Air Temperatures Using an Analog Model Output Statistics TechniqueAtmosphere, Vol. 10, Pages 427: Statistical Downscaling of Urban-scale Air Temperatures Using an Analog Model Output Statistics Technique Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos10080427 Authors: Yire Shin Chaeyeon Yi This study was conducted to evaluate the suitability of an analog model output statistics (MOS) downscaling technique for urban-scale meteorology research and...
Arts, Vol. 8, Pages 95: The EvictedWed Jul 24, 2019 03:00by Andrew Witt via ArtsArts, Vol. 8, Pages 95: The EvictedArts doi: 10.3390/arts8030095Authors: Andrew WittThe following essay examines Anthony Hernandez's photographic work from the early 1970s to the present. The essay addresses how Hernandez reimagines the genre of street photography in Los Angeles, countering the misconception that the genre, so dominant in the history of the medium, is nearly inexistent in California.
Antioxidants, Vol. 8, Pages 243: Antioxidant Activity of Thyme Waste Extract in O/W EmulsionsAntioxidants, Vol. 8, Pages 243: Antioxidant Activity of Thyme Waste Extract in O/W Emulsions Antioxidants doi: 10.3390/antiox8080243 Authors: Soukaïna El-Guendouz Smail Aazza Susana Anahi Dandlen Nessrine Majdoub Badiaa Lyoussi Sara Raposo Maria Dulce Antunes Vera Gomes Maria Graça Miguel Thymus vulgaris (thyme) is an aromatic plant and its essential oil has been applied as antimicrobial and antioxidant...
Antibiotics, Vol. 8, Pages 103: Synergistic Action of Phage and Antibiotics: Parameters to Enhance the Killing Efficacy Against Mono and Dual-Species BiofilmsAntibiotics, Vol. 8, Pages 103: Synergistic Action of Phage and Antibiotics: Parameters to Enhance the Killing Efficacy Against Mono and Dual-Species Biofilms Antibiotics doi: 10.3390/antibiotics8030103 Authors: Ergun Akturk Hugo Oliveira Sílvio B. Santos Susana Costa Suleyman Kuyumcu Luís D. R. Melo Joana Azeredo Pseudomonas aeruginosa and...
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