Antibodies, Vol. 8, Pages 52: Immunoglobulin for Treating Bacterial Infections: One More Mechanism of ActionAntibodies, Vol. 8, Pages 52: Immunoglobulin for Treating Bacterial Infections: One More Mechanism of Action Antibodies doi: 10.3390/antib8040052 Authors: Sawa Kinoshita Inoue Ohara Moriyama The mechanisms underlying the effects of immunoglobulins on bacterial infections are thought to involve bacterial cell lysis via complement activation, phagocytosis via bacterial opsonization, toxin neutralization,...
Bestimmung des C‑reaktiven Proteins zur Therapieentscheidung über Antibiotikagabe bei COPD-ExazerbationPET-positive bipulmonale Raumforderungen – immer maligne?Fortgeschrittenes Lungenkarzinom – Prognoseverbesserung durch zielgerichtete Therapiemodalitäten!Mitteilungen des Berufsverbands der Pneumologen in Baden-WürttembergSeltene Ursache einer HämoptyseZusammenfassungVorgestellt wird der Fall eines 15-jährigen Mädchens mit eosinophiler Granulomatose mit Polyangiitis (EGPA; Churg-Strauss-Syndrom,...
Hepatitis B genotyping: The utility for the cliniciansEndoscopic submucosal dissection for the treatment of synchronous hypopharyngeal mass and esophageal superficial carcinomaChicago classification for minor peristaltic abnormalities—Much ado about nothing!A man with peri-cecal, calcified mass— disseminated peritoneal adenomucinosisPer-oral endoscopic myotomy with fundoplication: A reproducible procedureAntibacterial spectrum of human omentum and differential expression of beta defensinsAbstractBackgroundHuman...
Dermoscopy of multiple cellular neurothekeoma:An analysis of 11 neurothekeomas in a middle‐aged woman,Sungjun Choi Soo Ick Cho Cheol Lee Yoonjin Kwak Je‐Ho MunFirst published: 28 October 2019 Choi, MD. Soo Ick Cho, MD. Cheol Lee, MD, PhD. Yoonjin Kwak, MD, PhD. Je‐Ho Mun, MD, PhD.
Awareness Aspects and Effects on Coordination and Information Sharing in the Domain of Software Engineering as CSCW: An Ethnographic StudyAbstractThis study sets out to understand and explore awareness in software engineering as a form of collaborative work in terms of its entailment and implication. In doing so, it intends to answer the following two questions: What are the aspects of awareness that are most relevant to the domain of software engineering? In what ways does awareness affect coordination...
Li, Quan: The Idea of Governance and the Spirit of Chinese NeoliberalismState-Fueled Energy: Quantitative Comparison of State-Led Overseas Energy Financing in China and JapanAbstractChina and Japan own the largest policy banks—state-owned financiers—in the world. Policy banks have recently drawn international attention as the Export–Import Bank of China (CHEXIM) and China Development Bank (CDB) play an important role in China's overseas economic activities. This paper examines the extent to which...
I'm Trying to Find my Way of Staying Organized: the Socio-Technical Assemblages of Personal Health Information ManagementAbstractPersonal health information management (PHIM) is a broad endeavor that requires the patient to navigate many different types of information. Including patients performing a variety of tasks and roles to make information useful. I ask the question: what practices constitute a patient's personal health information management socio-technical assemblage? By doing this I am...
The Affective Meaning of Words is Constrained by the Conceptual MeaningAbstractTo directly investigate the reciprocal causal relationship of the conceptual and affective meaning of words, two priming experiments were conducted with the lexical decision task. In Experiment 1, the influence of semantic relatedness on the affective priming effect was explored by manipulating the semantic associative strength between the prime and target words (i.e., high vs. low) while keeping the affective association...
Genetic Diversity and Selection of Suitable Molecular Markers for Characterization of Indigenous Zizyphus GermplasmAbstractIndian jujube (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk), belonging to family Rhamnaceae, is an underutilized fruit crop which can grow under harsh environments. It is becoming an important fruit crop due to its wide adaptation, early age bearing, easy management, rich nutrition and numerous uses. Evaluation of genetic diversity through molecular markers is very poor in this fruit crop. DNA...
Experimental pulmonary fibrosis was suppressed by microRNA-506 through NF-kappa-mediated apoptosis and inflammationAbstractFibrosis in the lungs usually occurs in the initial phase of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which exacerbates poor prognosis among patients. MicroRNAs (miRs) have the ability to modulate the expression profiles of many genes, thus essentially altering cell phenotypes. We hypothesize that miRs may be involved in the development of lung fibrosis in mice. In this study,...
Dermatoskopie – 30 Jahre nach der 1. Konsensus-KonferenzDermatochirurgie im Zeitalter der neuen oralen Antikoagulanzien/direkten oralen AntikoagulanzienZusammenfassungDie Beibehaltung der medikamentösen Blutverdünnung durch orale Antikoagulanzien bei Eingriffen an der Haut ist mittlerweile in fast allen Fällen etablierte, leichtliniengerechte Praxis. Das früher übliche „bridging" mit subkutanen oder intravenösen Heparinen ist heute obsolet. Trotzdem gibt es auch bei der Einnahme von neuen direkten...
Outcomes of hypercalcemia of malignancy in patients with solid cancer: a national inpatient analysisIn the original publication the last column of the table 2 is aligned incorrectly. The correct version of table 2 is given below.Can synthetic lethality approach be used with DNA repair genes for primary and secondary MDS?AbstractCancer-specific defects in DNA repair pathways create the opportunity to employ synthetic lethality approach. Recently, GEMA (gene expression and mutation analysis) approach...
Regulation of miR-34 Family in Neuronal DevelopmentThe original version of this article unfortunately contained errors in Figure 2. After the publication of the article, we noticed one error as it appears that in figure 2A, a wrong image of GAPDH blot was copied during the figure prepration. The corrected Figure is given below.Correction to: Cypermethrin Stimulates GSK3β-Dependent Aβ and p-tau Proteins and Cognitive Loss in Young Rats: Reduced HB-EGF Signaling and Downstream Neuroinflammation as...
Evaluation of white matter microstructure in patients with Parkinson's disease using microscopic fractional anisotropyAbstractPurposeMicro fractional anisotropy (μFA) is more accurate than conventional fractional anisotropy (FA) for assessing microscopic tissue properties and can overcome limitations related to crossing white matter fibres. We compared μFA and FA for evaluating white matter changes in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD).MethodsWe compared FA and μFA measures between 25 patients...
Differences within Differences: Gender Inequalities in Caregiving Intensity Vary by Race and Ethnicity in Informal CaregiversAbstractAmong the 50+ million informal caregivers in the US, substantial gender, racial/ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in caregiving intensity are well-documented. However, those disparities may be more nuanced: gender disparities in caregiving intensity may vary by race/ethnicity (White, Black, and Hispanic) and socioeconomic status (SES). We used data from the 2011...
Incidental pulmonary embolism detected on workup for Y-90 SIRTLetter to the editor: Use of radioactive iodine treatment in patients with hyperthyroidism? A case for shared decision makingIgG4-related disease revealed by 68 Ga-FAPI and 18 F-FDG PET/CTAtypical gouty mediastinal tophus mimicking thymoma on 18 F-FDG PET/CTThe p value wars (again)The 70th anniversary of automated radionuclide imagingWhy wait for posterity (or the future) to provide proof to savor the elixir of precision oncology? Read...
Caveolin-1 Expression Together with VEGF can be a Predictor for Lung Metastasis and Poor Prognosis in OsteosarcomaAbstractCaveolin-1, the major protein component of caveolae, plays vital functions in tumorigenesis and metastasis. Previous evidence demonstrated the positive role of Caveolin-1 in the regulation of endothelial cell differentiation and the involvement of Caveolin-1 in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mediated angiogenesis. The correlation of Caveolin-1 expression and angiogenesis...
David C. Gosselin, Anne E. Egger, and J. John Taber (eds.): Interdisciplinary Teaching About Earth and the Environment for a Sustainable FutureBob Quinn and Liz Carlisle. Grain by grain: a quest to revive ancient wheat, rural jobs, and healthy foodMichelle Scobie. Global environmental governance and small states: Architectures and agency in the CaribbeanSarmistha R. Majumdar. The politics of fracking: regulatory policy and local community responses to environmental concernsActivating values for encouraging...
Do translocal networks matter for agricultural innovation? A case study on advice sharing in small-scale farming communities in Northeast ThailandThe article Do translocal networks matter for agricultural innovation? A case study on advice sharing in small scale farming communities in Northeast Thailand, written by Till Rockenbauch, Patrick Sakdapolrak and Harald Sterly, was originally published electronically on the publisher's internet portal (currently SpringerLink) on 10 April 2019 without open...
D. Collins, C. Jordan, & H. Coleman: An Introduction to Family Social WorkDeveloping Self Compassion as a Resource for Coping with Hardship: Exploring the Potential of Compassion Focused TherapyAbstractThis article explores the potential of compassion focused therapy for developing self compassion as a resource for young people coping with hardship. Theoretical and research perspectives that point to the therapeutic potential of compassion, in particular self compassion, are presented. Compassion...
Mechanical Behavior of PMMA/SiO 2 Multilayer Nanocomposites: Experiments and Molecular Dynamics SimulationAbstractPoly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)/nano-silica (nano-SiO2) nanocom-posite film with 256 layers containing different amounts of nano-SiO2 was manufactured by a new type of micro-nano multilayer co-extrusion technology. The structure, morphology and mechanical properties of PMMA/nano-SiO2 nanocomposite films were investigated through Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning...
Denovo designing: a novel signal peptide for tat translocation pathway to transport activin A to the periplasmic space of E. coliAbstractObjectivesThe twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway is one of the bacterial secretory strategies which exports folded proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane.ResultsIn the present study, we designed a novel Tat-signal peptide for secretion of human activin A used as a recombinant protein model here. In doing so, Haloferax volcanii, Halobacterium salinarum, and Escherichia...
Teleneurology clinics for polyneuropathy: a pilot studyAbstractIntroductionPolyneuropathy (PN) is a common condition with significant morbidity. We developed tele-polyneuropathy (tele-PN) clinics to improve access to neurology and increase guideline-concordant PN care. This article describes the mixed-methods evaluation of pilot tele-PN clinics at three community sites within the Greater Los Angeles VA Healthcare System.MethodsFor the first 25 patients (48 scheduled visits), we recorded the duration...
Platinum(II)-oxalato complexes of seliciclib (CYC202) derivatives show different cellular effects and lesser adverse effects in mouse lymphoma model than cisplatinAbstractThis work presents a deeper pharmacological evaluation of two formerly prepared and characterized, and highly in vitro cytotoxic platinum(II) oxalato complexes [Pt(ox)(L1)2] (1) and [Pt(ox)(L2)2] (2), containing the derivatives of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CDKi) seliciclib ((R)-roscovitine, CYC202) coordinating as N-donor...
Capsule Commentary on Zullig et al., Primary Care Providers' Acceptance of Pharmacists' Recommendations to Support Optimal Medication Management for Patients with Diabetic Kidney DiseaseCancer: Personal, Professional, and Practice ImpactRecurrent Sinopulmonary Infections in a Patient Whose HIV Masked Common Variable ImmunodeficiencyAbstractIt is generally accepted that persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are at an increased risk of infection due to direct destruction of CD4+ lymphocytes...
The Relationship Between the Width of the Frontal Recess and the Frontal Recess Cells in Japanese...
The Relationship Between the Width of the Frontal Recess and the Frontal Recess Cells in Japanese Patients,Show lessSeiichiro Makihara, Shin Kariya, Mitsuhiro Okano, Tomoyuki Naito, Kensuke Uraguchi, Junya Matsumoto, Yohei Noda, Kazunori NishizakiFirst Published October 31, 2019 Research Article information AbstractObjective:The agger nasi cell (ANC) is an easily identifiable landmark when approaching the frontal sinus. The success of endoscopic frontal...
Dynamics of d -serine reflected the recovery course of a patient with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritisAbstractWe experienced a case of a 36-year-old female with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) due to anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated nephritis and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) nephritis. Chiral amino acid metabolomics revealed a prominent profile of d-serine in this patient. At the fulminant period of RPGN, the level of plasma d-serine, a potential biomarker...
Carbon catabolite repression: not only for glucoseAbstractMost organisms prefer to utilize glucose as a carbon source. Accordingly, the expression of genes involved in the catabolism of other carbon sources is repressed by the presence of glucose in a process known as (carbon) catabolite repression. However, much less is known about the relationships between "poor" carbon sources. We have recently shown that the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ADH2), required for...
Risk factors for early postoperative psychological problems in breast cancer patients after axillary lymph node dissectionAbstractBackgroundThe purpose of this study was to investigate the factors related to early postoperative psychological conditions in breast cancer patients with axillary lymph node dissection 3 months after the surgery.MethodsThe subjects of this study were 200 consecutive patients who underwent axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer at our hospital. Age, body mass...
Invasion impact is conditioned by initial vegetation statesAbstractBiological invasion is a crucial problem in the world because of its negative consequences for protected areas. The degradation stage of vegetation might affect the success of invasion. One of the most abundant and threatening invasive species is the common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) which has invaded already 23 countries of Europe and in several habitat types its further spreading is promoted by climate change. Pannonian sand...
Phase II study to evaluate the efficacy of Trastuzumab in combination with Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin in first-line treatment of HER2-positive advanced gastric cancer: HERXO trialPhase II study to evaluate the efficacy of Trastuzumab in combination with Capecitabine.Alternative dosing regimens for atezolizumab: right dose, wrong frequencyAbstractThe population pharmacokinetics of atezolizumab demonstrate that the trough concentrations are well above the putative target of 6 µg/ml. Thus, alternative...
In vitro mycorrhization of pear ( Pyrus communis )AbstractThe Mycelium Donor Plant system (MDP) was adapted to study the time course of the colonization of Pyrus communis by Rhizophagus irregularis under in vitro conditions. Isolated germinated spores did not colonize pear roots. Inoculum composed of R. irregularis spores/mycelium associated with chicory root fragments was used to inoculate Medicago truncatula which became thereafter the MDP of pear plantlets. Typical intraradical structures (hyphae,...
Extracapsular dissection in peripheral nerve schwannoma surgery using bright light and fluorescein sodium visualization: case seriesAbstractBackgroundSchwannomas are the most frequent peripheral nerve sheath tumors and are treated by surgical resection when symptomatic. Tumor removal is performed by intraneural dissection and enucleation. In order to safely remove the tumor from the nerve, the use of sodium fluorescein has recently been proposed to distinguish the tumor from the adjacent normal nerve...
Neural correlates of reward magnitude and delay during a probabilistic delay discounting task in alcohol use disorderAbstractRationaleAlcohol-use disorder (AUD) is associated with the propensity to choose smaller sooner options on the delay discounting task. It is unclear, however, how inherent risk underlies delay discounting behavior. As impulsive choice is a hallmark feature in AUD, it is important to understand the neural response to reward and delay while accounting for risk in impulsive decision-making.ObjectiveThis...
Reverse Warburg Effect-Related Mitochondrial Activity and 18 F-FDG Uptake in Invasive Ductal CarcinomaAbstractPurposeWe evaluated the relationship between fluorine-18 fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose (18F-FDG) uptake and mitochondrial activity in cancer cells and investigated the prognostic implications of this relationship in patients with invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast (IDCB).MethodsOne hundred forty-six patients with primary IDCB who underwent preoperative 18F-FDG PET/CT followed by curative surgical...
A plea for biological descriptions: the case of reproduction biologyMolecular characterization, ultrastructure, and transovarial transmission of Tremblaya phenacola in six mealybugs of the Phenacoccinae subfamily (Insecta, Hemiptera, Coccomorpha)AbstractMealybugs (Hemiptera, Coccomorpha: Pseudococcidae) are plant sap-sucking insects which require close association with nutritional microorganisms for their proper development and reproduction. Here, we present the results of histological, ultrastructural,...
Toxicity of Copper Oxide (CuO) Nanoparticles on Human Blood LymphocytesThe original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes. The name Hamid Degampanah is corrected to "Hamid Dezhampanah". Affiliation 1 is corrected to University of Guilan from Guilan University.In Vitro Cytotoxicity Studies on Human Thyroid Gland Undifferentiated Carcinoma Cells Using the Nickel Complex of (Z)-3-Bromo-5-((p-tolylimino)methyl)phenolAbstractMetal complexes for medical applications are the promising...
Evaluation of the cytotoxicity of contemporary glass-ionomer cements on mouse fibroblasts and human dental pulp cellsAbstractPurposeThis study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of different types of contemporary GICs on human dental pulp cell (hDPCs) and mouse fibroblast (L929) cultures.MethodsThree high-viscosity GICs (HVGIC; GC Equia Forte, Riva Self Cure, IonoStar Plus), three resin-modified GICs (RMGIC; Photac Fil, Riva Light Cure, Ionolux), and a metal-reinforced GIC (MRGIC; Riva Silver)...
Evaluation of the cytotoxicity of contemporary glass-ionomer cements on mouse fibroblasts and human dental pulp cellsAbstractPurposeThis study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of different types of contemporary GICs on human dental pulp cell (hDPCs) and mouse fibroblast (L929) cultures.MethodsThree high-viscosity GICs (HVGIC; GC Equia Forte, Riva Self Cure, IonoStar Plus), three resin-modified GICs (RMGIC; Photac Fil, Riva Light Cure, Ionolux), and a metal-reinforced GIC (MRGIC; Riva Silver)...
Das un- und dedifferenzierte Endometriumkarzinom,ZusammenfassungDas undifferenzierte Endometriumkarzinom (ECX) stellt eine epitheliale Neoplasie des Endometriums ohne eindeutige weitere Differenzierung dar. Beim dedifferenzierten ECX kommt noch ein endometriales Karzinom zur Darstellung, das zumeist einem G1‑/G2-endometrioidem Adenokarzinom entspricht. Der undifferenzierte Anteil zeigt immunhistochemisch einen Verlust von PAX8, E‑Cadherin und eine fokale Expression von EMA bzw. CK18 sowie überwiegend...
Abstracts of The 47th Annual Conference of Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in IndiaType 2 diabetes: epidemiological changes at Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social—associated with complications in MexicoAbstractBackgroundMexico is a country with a high frequency of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). DM-related complications can increase the number of medical appointments and hospitalizations, impact patient quality of life, and exacerbate hospital care costs. The goals of this study were...
Correction to: Effect of Er:YAG laser etching on topography, microstructure, compressive strength, and bond strength of a universal adhesive to calcium silicate cementsFigure 2 was incorrect in the original published version of this article. Correct figure in presented here. The original article has been corrected.Prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes and pre-diabetes in chronic periodontitis patients assessed by an HbA1c chairside screening protocolAbstractObjectivesThe objective of the present study...
Dank für Ergänzungen zur Historie der NeurologieKMT2B -Dystonie im Kindesalter – Häufigkeit und phänotypisches SpektrumUnklare Bewusstlosigkeit bei 32-jährigem MountainbikerEine Reise in den Osten und in die VergangenheitDie Weiterbildung zum Facharzt für Neurologie in Deutschland – ihre Beziehung zur Psychiatrie und inneren MedizinDie Beweiskraft ärztlicher AufklärungsbögenMagazinHochaktive, schubförmige, örtlich und zeitlich disseminierte ErkrankungInternetseiten für Betroffene mit Morbus Parkinson...
By Any Other Name: Patriotism and Civic Virtue in a Global ContextLiving During a Technological RevolutionReview of Curren and Dorn, Patriotic Education in a Global AgeThe Malaise of the Soul at Work: The Drive for Creativity, Self-Actualization, and Curiosity in EducationAbstractFranco "Bifo" Berardi tells us that the current transformation of every domain of social life into economy has led to "the subjugation of the soul to work processes." There is a newfound love of work and, consequently, writes...
Increased cellulose production by heterologous expression of bcsA and B genes from Gluconacetobacter xylinus in E . coli Nissle 1917AbstractBased on cellulose biosynthesis pathway of Gluconacetobacterxylinus BPR2001 and E. coli Nissle 1917, bcsA and bcsB genes have been selected and bioinformatics studies done to the analyses of nucleotide and amino acid sequence alignment, stability of RNA, protein, and promotor power. We amplify and clone bcsA, bcsB, and bcsAB genes of G. xylinus BPR2001 in Escherichiacoli Nissle...
Population pharmacokinetics and covariate analysis of Sym004, an antibody mixture against the epidermal growth factor receptor, in subjects with metastatic colorectal cancer and other solid tumorsAbstractSym004 is an equimolar mixture of two monoclonal antibodies, futuximab and modotuximab, which non-competitively block the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Sym004 has been clinically tested for treatment of solid tumors. The present work characterizes the non-linear pharmacokinetics (PK) of...
Effects of Rice Wine Lees on Cognitive Function in Community-Dwelling Physically Active Older Adults: A Pilot Randomized Controlled TrialAbstractBackgroundRice wine lees (RWL), a Japanese traditional fermented product, is a rich source of one-carbon metabolism-related nutrients, which may have beneficial effects on cognitive function.ObjectivesWe aimed to examine the effect of the RWL on cognitive function in community-dwelling physically active older adults.DesignDouble-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled...
Counterfactuality and pastAbstractMany languages have past-and-counterfactuality markers such as English simple past. There have been various attempts to find a common definition for both uses, but I will argue in this paper that they all have problems with (a) ruling out unacceptable interpretations, or (b) accounting for the contrary-to-fact implicature of counterfactual conditionals, or (c) predicting the observed cross-linguistic variation, or a combination thereof. By combining insights from...
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases,Volume: 19, Number: 11 (November 2019)Original ArticlesLongitudinal Study of Infection with Borrelia spp. in Questing Ticks from North-Western SpainSusana Remesar, Pablo Díaz, Jose Manuel Venzal, Alberto Prieto, Agustín Estrada-Peña, Ceferino Manuel López, Rosario Panadero, Gonzalo Fernández, Pablo Díez-Baños, and Patrocinio MorrondoVector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, Vol. 19, No. 11, November 2019: 785-792.Abstract | Full Text | PDF (406 KB) | PDF Plus (376 KB)Prevalence...
SpringerLink Sunday : 50 Journals,....,Thank You !Semelfactives are bigger than degree achievements Abstract This paper argues that semelfactive and degree...Semelfactives are bigger than degree achievementsAbstractThis paper argues that semelfactive and degree achievement verbs are morphosyntactically distinct, despite the fact that the morphemes they are made of are often syncretic even in languages with synthetic verb morphology like Czech or Polish. We use the mechanisms of Nanosyntax, a theory...
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