Late flowering in F 1 hybrid rice brought about by the complementary effect of quantitative trait lociAbstractLate flowering sometimes occurs in F1 hybrids between rice varieties (Oryza sativa L.), although the parental varieties show similar days-to-flowering (DTF). The genetic architecture prompting the occurrence of such late flowering is poorly understood. To clarify the genetic architecture of late flowering in F1 hybrids from a cross between rice varieties, 'Koshihikari' and 'IR64', we performed...
Increasing targeting scope of adenosine base editors in mouse and rat embryos through fusion of TadA deaminase with Cas9 variantsIn the original publication the grant number is incorrectly published. The correct grant number should be read as "17140901600". The corrected contents are provided in this correction article. This work was partially supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 81670470 and 81600149), a grant from the Shanghai Municipal Commission for...
Association of plasma folate, vitamin B12 levels, and arsenic methylation capacity with developmental delay in preschool children in TaiwanAbstractDevelopmental delay has been associated with inefficient arsenic methylation capacity in preschool children. Folate and vitamin B12 are important nutrients that produce s-adenosylmethionine during single-carbon metabolism and provide methyl groups for arsenic methylation. The aim of the present study was to explore whether plasma folate and vitamin B12...
Mammalian Target of Rapamycin 2 (MTOR2) and C-MYC Modulate Glucosamine-6-Phosphate Synthesis in Glioblastoma (GBM) Cells Through Glutamine: Fructose-6-Phosphate Aminotransferase 1 (GFAT1)The original version of this article unfortunately contained an error in author group. The authors Yi-Xiang See, Xin Chen, Zi-Kai Chen and Ze-Bin Huang were inadvertently included in the article.Expression of ConcernIn Memoriam: Horst Grobecker (1934–2019)MicroRNAs are Necessary for BMP-7-induced Dendritic Growth...
Accuracy and Reliability of Multiphase CTA Perfusion for Identifying Ischemic Core Correction to:...
Accuracy and Reliability of Multiphase CTA Perfusion for Identifying Ischemic CoreCorrection to:Clin Neuroradiol 2018, the author list of the original version of this article contains a mistake. The middle name of the author "Rani Gupta Sah" was erroneously tagged as part of the surname in the article's metadata.This mistakeInformationNeuroimaging of Intracranial Perfusion and the Clinical Diagnosis of Brain Death: Setting the Gold Standard in...
In the Shoes of a Child with AutismA Blue Eyed Girl with Hyperactivity: Look in to the Eyes and Heart!Book ReviewNews in BriefLevetiracetam in Neonatal seizuresRisk Stratification for Acute Kidney Injury in Critically-ill ChildrenViolence Against DoctorsRelationship of Leisure Time Activities and Psychological Distress in School ChildrenAbstractThis questionnaire study on 400 school children found that severe psychological distress using the K 10 scale was seen in 38 (9.5%), and 162 (40.5%) had less...
Overnight sleep benefits both neutral and negative direct associative and relational memoryAbstractStrong evidence suggests that sleep plays a role in memory consolidation, which involves both stabilizing memory into long-term storage as well as integrating new information into existing stores. The current study investigated consolidation, across a day of wakefulness or night of sleep, of emotional and neutral directly learned visual paired associates (A-B/B-C pairs) as well as formation of memory...
SPECT/CT imaging of apoptosis in aortic aneurysm with radiolabeled duramycinThe original version of this article unfortunately contains errors in Figure 4. An incorrect Figure 4D is published which is actually a repetition of Figure 2C (i.e., apoptosis rate in control vs. H2O2-treated group). The correct Figure 4D should be the aortic diameter of control vs. experimental groups. Also, the order of part figures (a\b\c\d) in Figure 4E is incorrect. The correct Figure 4 is given below.Inhibition of...
Predicting (variability of) context effects in language comprehensionAbstractPredicting variability in context effects is a timely enterprise considering that psycho- and neurolinguistic research has assessed how language processing depends on the perceived context, the body, and long-term linguistic knowledge of the language user. The current evidence suggests that some context effects may be systematically more robust than others and that language user characteristics are an influential modulator...
A mathematical modelling approach for managing sudden disturbances in a three-tier manufacturing supply chainAbstractThis paper aims to develop a recovery planning approach in a three-tier manufacturing supply chain, which has a single supplier, manufacturer, and retailer under an imperfect production environment, in which we consider three types of sudden disturbances: demand fluctuation, and disruptions to production and raw material supply, which are not known in advance. Firstly, a mathematical...
Perioperative Medicine,Nitrous Oxide Impairs Axon Regeneration after Nervous System Injury in Male RatsKrista J. Stewart, M.D.; Bermans J. Iskandar, M.D.; Brenton M. Meier, M.D.; Elias B. Rizk, M.D.; Nithya Hariharan, M.D.; Joyce Koueik, M.D., M.S.; Adin-Christian Andrei, Ph.D.; Kirk J. Hogan, M.D., J.D.Anesthesiology Published online August 30, 2019. doi:10.1097/ALN.0000000000002906Accuracy of Physical Function Questions to Predict Moderate-Vigorous Physical Activity as Measured by Hip AccelerometryDaniel...
Recent Advances in Pharmacological Treatments of Adult DermatomyositisAbstractPurpose of the ReviewDermatomyositis (DM) is an uncommon autoimmune disease that primarily affects the skin, muscle, and/or lungs, and remains a therapeutic challenge. We discuss recent studies evaluating efficacy of conventional treatments for clinically amyopathic DM (CADM), DM-associated interstitial lung (ILD) disease, and classic DM (CDM). We highlight several emerging new therapies with a focus on clinical trials,...
Optimization of Adsorption for the Removal of Cadmium from Aqueous Solution Using Turkish Coffee GroundsAbstractIn this study, the effectiveness of the use of spent Turkish coffee grounds as an adsorbent in the treatment of water polluted with cadmium (Cd) ions through adsorption was investigated. The change in adsorption efficiency (%) with independent variable parameters was planned using the Box–Behnken experimental design method, which is a subset of the response surface methodology (RSM), and...
Inflammatory response and recurrence after minimally invasive esophagectomyAbstractPurposeEsophagectomy for esophageal cancer is a very invasive surgery that induces an intense systemic inflammatory response. Postoperative infectious complications worsen survival after esophagectomy through inflammatory responses, and this study aimed to investigate the impact of the response on disease recurrence.MethodsWe assessed 230 patients who underwent curative minimally invasive esophagectomy for esophageal...
The Psychology of Internet Fraud Victimisation: a Systematic ReviewAbstractExisting theories of fraud provide some insight into how criminals target and exploit people in the online environment; whilst reference to psychological explanations is common, the actual use of established behavioural theories and/or methods in these studies is often limited. In particular, there is less understanding of why certain people/demographics are likely to respond to fraudulent communications. This systematic review...
Fase final de la validación transcultural al español de la escala Hair Specific Skindex-29: sensibilidad al cambio y correlación con la escala SF-12Publication date: Available online 29 August 2019Source: Actas Dermo-SifiliográficasAuthor(s): A. Guerra-Tapia, A. Buendía-Eisman, J. Ferrando Barbera, en representación del grupo de validación Hair Specific Skindex-29, Juan Ferrando Barbera, Agustín Buendía Eisman, Aurora Guerra Tapia, Ana Garayalde Perurena, Yolanda Juárez Casado, Dolores Otero Tejero,...
Does radioactive iodine therapy for Graves' disease cause cancer?Is obesity a risk factor for thyroid cancer?Does bariatric surgery change levothyroxine dose requirements?Are calcitonin measurements helpful in following patients with medullary thyroid cancer after surgery?Can cancer drugs make radioactive iodine-resistant thyroid cancer responsive to radioactive iodine again?How well do current molecular marker tests identify benign nodules that have indeterminate biopsy results?CLINICAL THYROIDOLOGY...
Contact DermatitisAccepted ArticlesAccepted, unedited articles published online and citable. The final edited and typeset Version of Record will appear in the future.ORIGINAL ARTICLESPositive change in hand care habits using therapeutic patient education in chronic hand eczemaMarie Tauber, Siham Lourari, Emilie Bérard, Emmanuel Questel, Daniel Redoules, Françoise Giordano‐Labadie, Michel Simon, Paul CarleFirst Published: 28 August 2019CONTACT POINTSAllergic contact dermatitis from triethanolamine...
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Protects CD200-Rich and CD34-Positive Hair Follicle Stem Cells Against Androgen-Induced Apoptosis Through the Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase/Akt Pathway in Patients With Androgenic Alopecia,Zhang, Xuesong MD*; Zhou, Dongmei MD*,†; Ma, Tengfei MD*; Liu, Qingquan MD*,†Dermatologic Surgery: August 30, 2019 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue - pdoi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000002091Original Article: PDF OnlyBUYPAPAbstractAuthor InformationArticle MetricsBACKGROUND 5α-DHT...
Ticagrelor in Patients with Stable Coronary Disease and Diabetes,P.G. Steg and OthersEDITORIALAntiplatelet Therapy in Patients with Coronary Disease and Type 2 DiabetesE.R. BatesORIGINAL ARTICLEComplete Revascularization with Multivessel PCI for Myocardial InfarctionS.R. Mehta and OthersEDITORIALA More COMPLETE Picture of Revascularization in STEMIL. Køber and T. EngstrømORIGINAL ARTICLEAngiotensin–Neprilysin Inhibition in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection FractionS.D. Solomon and OthersORIGINAL...
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